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Find a Great Outside The Box Real Estate Agent

No matter what stage of the buying process you find yourself in, all of our great agents have the expertise to help you through it. Whether it's your starter home, your step-up home, or one of your many investment properties, big or small - we sell them all.


Our agents can give you personalized advice to make the process as smooth as possible for you. If you missed us, you can find a list of our agents here.

If you don't have cash to buy, you need to get preapproved!

In today's hot market, an offer without a pre-approval letter is not a wise or competitive strategy unless you have enough cash to buy without a loan. A pre-approval letter is an official document from your lender stating how much you can afford. It is important to talk to your lender about how much you think you can spend on a home. They will help get your finances in order so you can make strong, confident offers when your dream house hits the market.

Go Shopping!!!

Arguably the most fun part of the process. Call your Realtor and get set up for automated e-mails based on your criteria. Browse Zillow on your phone late at night before bed. Check and Trulia for deals. Select your favorites to see in person. Your lender will remind you that you should not do anything to alter your overall financial situation at this point, or you could jeopardize your ability to close. The most important thing is being ready when you find The One .... then it's on to the most exciting part ...

Write an Offer

Inspections and Appraisal

Closing Day

This is the real reason to have an agent on your side. Your agent can advise you based upon your specific goals and situation as to the best approach to getting your offer accepted. Negotiation can be stressful for some - but that's where we shine. We can navigate multiple offer situations, counteroffers, and negotiations where everyone wins - which makes for a smooth transaction. Once you have an accepted offer, it's on to the next step:

Time is of the essence, as you will only have the previously agreed-upon time frame to to get the property inspected, and negotiate over any issues that arise. Your agent can help you through all of this. 

If you're relying on a loan to purchase, your lender will require an appraisal, where an independent person will evaluate the property and provide a professional opinion of value. Should that value come in at less than the contract purchase price, your agent can advise you on your options at that point, and assist with further negotiations if necessary.

If you've made it this far, it's time to celebrate! Your loan is not final until after you leave the closing table, so remember not to make any major purchases (like furniture, a car, or anything else that requires credit). At the closing table, you will sign all the paperwork, and then ... congratulations! You successfully made it through the entire purchase process!

Buying a Property

Outside The Box Real Estate

PO Box 340584 Dayton OH 45434

(937) 202-9001‬

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